Event Marketing Production Is An Experience In Itself
Our Melbourne, Florida event marketing planning and production efforts reach across North America. With that it means our trucks, clients’ products and our event staff are put through logistical gauntlets. With all that travel come stories. The people, places, weather, and everything else that we encounter that are unexpected is what makes event marketing so unique… it’s all memorable. The event itself better be very memorable for the consumer in attendance but it’s the time in-between that’s so memorable for the teams putting the ‘show’ on the road.
LOOK produced a four event Test Ride Experience Tour in Texas for our longest standing client Sea-Doo watercraft. On the way from Florida to Texas our lead event specialist Jeremy Schandelmayer had to deal with driving one of our box trucks with vehicle trailer in tow through Tropical Storm Cindy. While that was thankfully uneventful, what he found on the other side of the storm, wandering aimlessly along the white line of Interstate 10, was memorable. A hitchhiker? Not in one of our event trucks. But there’s always an instance where an exception has to be made. After all, ‘event’ is the prefix to ‘eventful.’
LOOK at being memorable by being a good human.