Jul 27 2020 Publicity Value, Why It’s Better Than Advertising
Though different, both advertising and publicity (public relations) are essential tools in the marketing toolkit, and can work together with other marketing initiatives to meet brand objectives. We’ll take a look at what makes them different, and why Let’s start with examining how these two marketing functions are different.
How are Advertising and Public Relations Different?
Though often conflated, advertising and public relations differ on the following:
- Advertising is paid placement, while publicity generated from public relations’ activities results in editorial placement.
- Advertising is your organization telling the world that your brand, product or service is the best – the message is expressly coming from your organization and distributed through ads or commercials. Publicity (often referred to as earned media), is third parties like those in the media or digital influencers sharing some form of the message by telling the world that your brand, product or service is the best.
Messaging Control: Advertising Versus PR
They both offer benefits with regards to communicating brand or product messages to the public. They differ on extent of control with regards to what the message is, and when and where it will appear.
Advertising and Messaging
With paid placement, your organization pays to advertise on select outlets and maintains complete control of:
- The message.
- Where the message appears.
- When the message appears, and the campaigns duration.
Publicity and Messaging
With earned media, journalists, editors, news producers, bloggers, influencers and others who’ve attained trusted status with the public control:
- The message – they can interpret or change the message as they see fit.
- Where the message appears.
- When and if the message appears.
In the editorial space, there are myriad of individuals with myriad of opinions regarding your product or service therefore your business cannot directly control the message.
However, your business can certainly shape the message through strategic public relations activities. And that is where truly excellent public relations’ strategies shine, and a compelling reason to have PR pros on your side.
The Value of Publicity #lookatus
Be where people are looking with something of value to them in a memorable, meaningful way.
Jun 18 2017 LOOK Scores Coverage on Fox and Friends for Sea-Doo!
Kicking off the summer season with some awesome public relations coverage for our client Sea-Doo on America’s number one rated morning cable show with an audience of nearly 2 million – Fox and Friends! And to make this an even sweeter media relations win, Fox and Friends provided over one minute of on-camera coverage discussing Sea-Doo‘s popular 2017 SPARK TRIXX.
Feb 15 2017 PR Scoop! ABC News Reports on Client Sea-Doo’s 2017 Lineup
We’re thrilled to have secured a huge public relations win for our client BRP Sea-Doo at the New York Boat Show! ABC News‘ Charli James interviewed LOOK Marketing’s founder and Sea-Doo watercraft expert Tim McKercher about the 2017 SPARK TRIXX. With this publicity driven coverage, Sea-Doo’s 2017 product lineup was shared with an online audience of nearly 20 million people. (Interview starts at 20:02.)